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Chrytatywna Choinka




Przytulisko na Wiśniowej - Sandomierskie Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Zwierząt

My name is Bonnie. I'm an exceptional dog. I don't want close contact with humans... That's just how I am. I only reduce the distance if I trust someone, but I won't let you pet me. I won't let you pick me up, and I won't always let you attach a leash. I know I'm not an easy dog, and dogs like me never find homes. But that's how I am, and that's it. The people at the shelter did a lot to even get me out of my kennel, then out of my crate, then I went for a walk with them. Now I'm the host of the yard. I keep things in order, sometimes I'll herd someone, sometimes I'll chase them, most often I'll steal something from someone's crate, and sometimes I'll snatch a piece of bread or a cookie from the table with a sly move. Everything I borrow and never give back, I hide in my crate... No one knows when the dark hour, doom, or another catastrophe will come! Chews, treats, a right glove, a blanket, a bottle brush - that can always come in handy! Aaaa... and most importantly - I love Azyl!!!

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